Host A Member

Expand your Impact with Americorps

How would you answer the question: “If only I had the time, I would do (fill in the blank)?” The power of AmeriCorps is extraordinary, allowing an organization to bring talented, passionate people on board to fill in gaps in service. AmeriCorps members come equipped with the talent and drive to work on projects that could be a game-changer for your organization for a nominal cost when compared to a standard staff member.

AmeriCorps provides the opportunity for individuals to engage in meaningful service that will leave a deep, lasting impact on the organizations and communities served, as well as on the member. Joining AmeriCorps allows people committed to service put their passion and skills to work helping others, while they develop professional skills, build teamwork and leadership abilities, learn more about the areas of nonprofit management and community health, and connect with a broad network of AmeriCorps members, alumni and supporters. 

Which AmeriCorps Program Is Right For Your Organization?

AmeriCorps State and National

Americorps State and National members do “direct service”. Some examples of direct service are:  tutoring children in reading as a literacy coach, supporting after-school programming, engaging in community clean-up projects, providing health information to a vulnerable population. 

These members can serve part-time or full-time for one year or less, and potential term lengths include: 300 hour, 450 hour, 900 hour, 1200 hour, and 1700 hour. The cost of hosting a member depends on which term length the member serves. 

AmeriCorps VISTA

Founded in 1965, Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) is an anti-poverty program designed to provide needed resources to nonprofit organizations and public agencies to increase their capacity to lift communities out of poverty. AmeriCorps VISTA provides opportunities for Americans 18 years or older from a diverse range of backgrounds to dedicate a year of full-time service with an organization to create or expand programs designed to empower individuals and communities in overcoming poverty.

AmeriCorps VISTA members always serve full-time and for a full year. They focus on “indirect service” and capacity building. Some examples of capacity building serivces include: strengthening volunteer management and recruitment, conducting outreach and securing resources in support of service activities that meet specific needs in community, helping build the infrastructure of the sponsoring organization, and developing collaborative relationships with other organizations working to achieve similar goals in the community. 

Host Agency Requirements

  • Must be either a private not-for-profit corporation, public agency, local government, educational institution, not-for-profit, or community-based organization.
  • Member service must align with RHSC focus areas: public health initiatives, increasing food security, Farm to School programming
  • The member must also provide direct service to the community (for AmeriCorps State and National) or indirect service (for AmeriCorps VISTA).
  • A financial obligation in the form of an agency match and in-kind reporting.  Must be located within the South Central New York service area.



Successful applicants (minimum age 18) will demonstrate the following proficiencies and values:

  • An interest in, and commitment to, health and/or rural communities and people
  • Evidence of current and/or past volunteer service activities
  • Communication skills, including writing and verbal communication with clarity and accuracy
  • Self direction: Members must be self-directed and show evidence of their ability to work independently and efficiently
  • Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents, clear a National Service Criminal History Check, and have their high school diploma or GED